PayPlus Update 7.7.2 Release

Published on Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The PayPlus Version 7.7.2 Update
The PayPlus 7.7.2 Update is now available online.

Some 7.7.2 Update Highlights
* Multiple Worksite Report - A parameter was added
to Include/Exclude Pre-processed earnings.

* This update includes many tax and minimum wage changes.
There are two different effective dates for these changes.
The -Download should be done at different times.

* Effective July 1. Louisiana tax changes. These 
changes are in the programs not in the Tax Tables.
When the update is installed, these changes will take place.

* Effective July 1. New tax rates for Hawaii.
These will take effect after the -Download

* Minimum Wage Changes effective 7/1/2009
Kentucky, Pennsylvania & Illinois

IMPORTANT: Please do the -Download ONLY for Hawaii, 
Kentucky, Pennsylvania & Illinois. 

* All other minimum wages should not be installed until
later in the month.

Please see the update documentation for details.

Thank you,

The PayPlus Software Team

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